Q: What is Renown?

A: Renown means how popular or famous your Kingdom is to its patrons (aka your Creatures). Renown can be found at the bottom of the screen when you are looking at the map of your Kingdom. This number is a combined total of how much renown each individual structure provides for your Kingdom. In order to level up your Castle, you must have a certain amount of Renown in your Kingdom. You increase this number by leveling up your structures and building new ones.


Q: How do I expand my Kingdom?

A: Leveling up your Castle will allow you to expand your land in your Kingdom, as well as set you up with new structures to build.


Q: I’m stuck on expanding my Kingdom and I’m unsure of what to do next.

A: Make sure to check the Research Tab if you’re not sure what to do next. If you have enough Scrolls and your Castle is leveled up high enough, you might have some new structures and upgrades that you can unlock!


Q: Do structures in my inventory still produce renown?

A: Yes.


Q: Can I put a Creature in a structure in Kingdoms, but still use them on my Team, in Dungeon Challenge, etc?

A: Yes.


Q: What happens if I put a Creature in a structure?

A: It increases the efficiency of that structure based on the Creature’s Star count and amount of Awakening (red) Stars. If the Structure is a Mine, the color of the Creature determines the color gems the mine produces.


Q: How do I know which Creatures to put in my structures?

A: When a creature is placed inside a structure, each one of its yellow stars generates 25% efficiency. When awakened, each red star generates 35% efficiency. The more efficiency in the structure, the faster it generates materials!


Q: Do Gem Mines only produce the smallest Gem size?

A: No, Gem Mines produce bigger sizes after level 10 and level 20.


Q: What happens if I press “Accelerate”?

A: It gives you the equivalent of 100% efficiency for a day instantly.


Q: How often do special merchants appear?

A: Once a day.


Q: How can I determine what color loot the Lady of the Lake merchant will offer?

A: The Lady in the Lake offers loot that is the same color as the current Grand Wish Genie Quest. The Succubus makes a return on Sundays and serves as a wildcard color!


Q: Where can I find Kingdoms materials like Ore and Wood outside of Kingdoms?

A: You can find them in Quests and from Token Chests (located on the Summoning screen). Here’s a broken-down list of the specific places you can find each item.


Token Chests:

100 and 300 Token Chests have a chance for Tier 2 / Tier 3 resources:  Ironbark, Mithril, Brimstone, Quicksilver and Enchanted Ironbark, Enchanted Mithril, Enchanted Brimstone, Enchanted Quicksilver.


Quest Specific:

Scrolls: Available only on Rainbow Maps (Might over Magic, Pyrat Plunder, Battle of the Bards, Bewitching Bayou) and all size-restricted maps (Might Over Meowgic, Tomb Raiders, Knight Time).


Wood: Small amount available on all quests, but get more in Might Over Meowgic (Small Restricted Map) and Might Over Magic.

Ironbark: Only available on Might Over Meowgic (Small Restricted Map).

Enchanted Ironbark: Only available on Might Over Meowgic (Small Restricted Map) at higher difficulties.


Ore: Small amount available on all quests, but get more in Tomb Raiders (Medium Restricted Map) and Pyrat Plunder.

Mithril: Only available on Tomb Raiders (Medium Restricted Map).

Enchanted Mithril: Only available on Tomb Raiders (Medium Restricted Map) at higher difficulties.


Sulfur: Small amount available on all quests, but get more in Knight Time (Large Restricted Map) and Battle of the Bards.

Brimstone: Only available on Knight Time (Large Restricted Map).

Enchanted Brimstone: Only available on Knight Time (Large Restricted Map) at higher difficulties.


Mercury:  Small amount available on all quests, but get more in Knight Time (Large Restricted Map) and Bewitching Bayou.

Quicksilver: Only available on Knight Time (Large Restricted Map).

Enchanted Quicksilver: Only available on Knight Time (Large Restricted Map) at higher difficulties.


Kingdom Merchants:

Mystery Box Merchant (Tickets): Wood, Ore, Sulfur, Mercury.

Boat Merchant (Tokens): Wood, Ore, Sulfur, Mercury, Scrolls.

Lady in the Lake (Diamond): Ironbark, Mithril, Brimstone, Quicksilver and Enchanted Ironbark, Enchanted Mithril, Enchanted Brimstone, Enchanted Quicksilver.